Thursday, April 15, 2010

Talking Thad

Slight talking mood today, our Thadthad. Kept saying 'ah-bear' when I showed him the wallpaper on my handphone. It had a picture of my girlfriend hugging the teddy bear I got for her. When I showed him the video of the bear nodding with music, he started jumping in his playpen and wanted to grab my phone. Not to mention my specs. To which I told him that I'll bite his fingers if he tried to grab my specs (which I know he'll want to bite). Which I promptly illustrated, and after which he drew his hand away, heh. Seems like he's learning. Want him to learn how to say bye and uncle again as well.

Thad seems to be getting too big for the playpen nowadays. Discovered this morning that he can put his armpits over the railing and climb up with his feet on the side netting.

Thad when he just woke up this morning

As usual, he was watching TV just before I left. Fascinated by the commercials again. Maybe he'll go work in an ad agency when he grows up.